With more than 13000 sqft of space, TheWhite Orchid is ready to host the event ofyour dreams! From outdoor ceremonieswith a field of sunflowers as yourbackdrop, to grand receptions below 35foot ceilings – no two events will be thesame. We’ve created a blank canvas forYOU to make your own.
While the modern, luxurious design of thebarn makes a bold statement, we mostly takepride in providing the luxury of convenience.We took our time to research how we couldmake the space as functional as possible forour couples, clients and vendors. We knowhow important the details are, so we provideexclusive full-day access to make sure yourevent goes off without a hitch from prep tofinish. Whether you want to coordinate yourteam, help set up, get dolled up in your suite, or be the last ones out the door, we wantyou to feel as comfortable as possible withouthaving to share your space. Our