A never before seen collection of visual amazement. The world most iconic collection of artwork and automobiles. Ikonick Collection has six independent show rooms provide a wide variety of artwork and automobiles. Each room comes equipped with state-of-the-art surround sound speakers and an array of lighting options. You can choose to rent the entire facility or choose from the following: Main Show Room, Ferrari Room, Porsche Room, and American Muscle Room.
Ikonick’s V.I.P Lounge is furnished with bar seating, a meeting table and a full sized living room, looking over our Main Show Room. Our Atrium, easily distinguished by our full panel light wall, is arranged to resemble an outdoor lounge with cocktail tables, couches and an outdoor dining table. Apart from Ikonick Collection’s indoor show rooms and specialty areas, this hidden gem is completed with over 20,000 sq. ft of open space featuring our state-of-the-art surround sound speakers, sculptures, and grass fields.